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trida Tomase Bati 385
Zlin 4 763 02

Production of rubberised grooved rubber rollers with a wide range of advantages - Czech Republic

Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o. from Czech Republic manufactures rubberised grooved rubber rollers for industrial applications and delivering a wide range of advantages.

Rubber rollers are a critical component in all conveyor, winding and other industrial machines. Their design plays an important role in the operation of the entire machine.

Czech company AGT Zlín produces rubber rollers for industrial applications. It currently manufactures smooth and grooved rollers.

The advantage of grooved rollers is that the rollers themselves are not glued together; rather, the groove is cut directly into the vulcanised rubber itself.

The use of spiral rubber rollers may significantly increase the individual properties and overall functionality of equipment. Grooved rollers do not transfer any grime or dirt and spreading rollers ensure the transferred material is stretched to the sides.

Grooved rubber rollers:
- roller with fine circumferential grooving
- black rubber roller with cross-grooving
- roller with rectangular grooving
- roller with circumferential grooving
- roller with spiral grooving
- roller with fine longitudinal grooving
- roller with oblique grooving
- rubber edging rollers
- grooved spreading rollers
- spiral rubber rollers.

Grooves are cut using NC machine tools and the number of grooves and their angles are completely customisable.

We manufacture rubber rollers to match customer specifications. The company’s website provides examples of these rubber rollers.


Production of rubberised grooved rubber rollers with a wide range of advantages - Czech Republic

Production of rubberised grooved rubber rollers with a wide range of ...

Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o. from Czech Republic manufactures rubberised grooved rubber rollers for industrial applications and delivering a wide range of advantages. Rubber rollers are a critical component in all ...

Rubberizing of rollers, pulleys, wheels, drums, the Czech Republic

Rubberizing of rollers, pulleys, wheels, drums, the Czech Republic

The Asociace gumarenske technologie Zlin s.r.o. AGT Zlin company with a long tradition in the field of research, development and production of rubber and tire products offers rubberizing of rollers, pulleys, wheels and drums. The ...


AGT ZLIN: Manufacture of grooved rubberized rollers

AGT ZLIN: Manufacture of grooved rubberized rollers

Rubberized rollers are an important part of all conveyor, packaging, winding and other industrial machines. Their design and quality plays an ...

Rubberizing of rollers, wheels and pulleys with higher lifetime

Rubberizing of rollers, wheels and pulleys with higher lifetime

Rubber products from AGT Zlin company are characterized by high strength, elasticity, long lifetime and abrasion resistance. Our offer includes e.g. ...


WEBSITE Asociace gumarenske technologie Zlin s.r.o.


trida Tomase Bati 385
Zlin 4 763 02

+420 577 105 841

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