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+420 724 063 855

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Smrzice 798 17

Garden wood chippers - crushing and disposal of trunks, shrubs, bark, for the production of wood chips Czech Republic

Powerful garden chippers designed for crushing and disposal of trunks, shrubs, bark and unnecessary lumber, as well as for the production of wood chips are supplied by LASKI s.r.o. based in Smrzice in the Czech Republic.

Do you accumulate garden waste? It's time to get a quality and powerful chipper. Garden chippers are manufactured and sold by LASKI s.r.o. It supplies chip chippers designed for crushing and disposing of trunks, shrubs, bark and unnecessary lumber.

You can choose from several types:
- garden chipper
- trailer chipper petrol or diesel powered
- chipper with braked chassis, self – propelled
- tractor wood chippers.

If you do not know which wood chipper to choose, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to advise you.


Garden wood chippers - crushing and disposal of trunks, shrubs, bark, for the production of wood chips Czech Republic

Garden wood chippers - crushing and disposal of trunks, shrubs, bark, ...

Powerful garden chippers designed for crushing and disposal of trunks, shrubs, bark and unnecessary lumber, as well as for the production of wood chips are supplied by LASKI s.r.o. based in Smrzice in the Czech Republic. Do you ...

Stump cutters - production and sale - cutting of above-ground and underground part of the stump Czech Republic

Stump cutters - production and sale - cutting of above-ground and ...

Stump cutters, which are intended for cutting wooden stumps, are manufactured and sold by LASKI s.r.o. from Czech Republic. Cutters for wooden stumps are used for cutting the above-ground and underground parts. Manufacturer of ...


LASKI, s. r. o.
Smrzice 798 17
GPS: 49°30′12.06″ N, 17°6′34.81″ E

49°30′12.06″ N, 17°6′34.81″ E

QR kód firmy LASKI, s. r. o.


Smrzice 798 17

+420 724 063 855

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